Our teaching is crafted to cultivate our body’s natural impulse towards ease and connection while exploring our edge.  The basic foundation of expansion is trust—both inner and outer. We gradually build to exercises that require deeper layers of trust and surrender. Expect to come away with tools that both strengthen and revitalize your body that you can practice with friends and loved ones.

Partner Flow Yoga

Find out how amazing it can be to share your yoga practice with a friend!  Take it slow and make sure you communicate honestly, breathe deeply and find balance through trust.  

Flow 1

Flow 2

Flow 3

Zen Thai Shiatsu Sequences

Take some time to give and receive therapeutic touch while you follow along.  Get free access to our Zen Thai Shiatsu Sequence videos on YouTube Channel.   Please support us by liking and subscribing and click the notification bell to be notified when we add new videos.

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Zen Thai Lower Back Release

Zen Thai Shiatsu Earth Sequence

Zen Thai Shiatsu Metal Sequence

“If you touch one thing with deep awareness, you touch everything.” ― Thich Nhat Hanh

Partner Flow Yoga

Find out how amazing it can be to share your yoga practice with a friend! Take it slow and make sure you communicate honestly, breathe deeply and find balance through trust.

Flow 1

Flow 2

Flow 3

Zen Thai Shiatsu Sequences

Take some time to give and receive therapeutic touch while you follow along.  Get free access to our Zen Thai Shiatsu sequence videos.  Please support us by liking and subscribing.  Click the notification bell to be notified when we add new videos!

Watch Here